(Sorted by last updated (when this site was last updated))
BL3DX11Injection: A quick/simple way of having plugins get loaded into Borderlands 3.
BL3SaveEditor: A desktop based save and profile editor for Borderlands 3
BL3ProfileEditor: A profile editor for Borderlands 3 (Archived)
Windows-Entertainment-Recoded: C#/Processing Recode of The Best of Windows Entertainment (Archived)
BorderlandsDiscordRP: A program that sits in the background and updates your Discord account's rich presence to sync with Borderlands 2 / Borderlands TPS data.
BL2CPF: An Borderlands 2 Community Patch modding tool for simpler coding (Archived)
SpeedTools: C#/Python Windows Forms for Speedrun Tools (Archived)
Processing-Projects: Projects made in Processing (Archived)
NVCounter: A customizable counter for Fallout NV speedruns (Archived)
isBulletsWRGenerator: Generates the WR for twitch.tv/isbullets WR counter (Archived)
BL2SecondaryMapWriter: (Archived)
BL3-Dehotfixifier: A quick n dirty program to disable all your hotfixes that get applied on a BL3 launch (Archived)
DominoSharp: A C# Wrapper for the Dominos Pizza API made by a person with nothing else better to do.
Livesplit.LoadRemovers: Load Removers for Livesplit (https://github.com/LiveSplit/LiveSplit)
IOTools: A simple to use library wrapping IO operations
BL3Downpatcher: A downpatcher for Borderlands 3 that uses my DownpatcherSharp library
BL3NotesReader: A dumb little website repo used to search through Borderlands 3 Patch Notes
speedrun-infosite: Temporary info page for speedrun.website
Simulstream: A web page meant to be able to play multiple streams at once from multiple different streaming/content platforms
BL3ShiftRedeemer: A quick little tool to constantly run some code to redeem SHiFT codes for Borderlands 3!
bl-sdk-mods: A repository filled with my Python SDK mods for Borderlands.
PaydayRoulette: A random heist / gear picker meant for Payday 1 / 2
OblivionDownpatcher: A downpatcher / exe patcher for Oblivion speedrunning
DownpatcherSharp: A general library to be used to downpatch games given [x] set of files.
BL3SDKDocs: Auto-Generated Doxygen Documentation based off of the classes/objects in BL3
TheDarknessIIDecompiled: Decompiled Lua source code for the 2012 game, The Darkness II
BorderlandsVoiceActivation: A console program, that allows you to play Borderlands 1™ / 2 / TPS™ using voice activation and talking.
PS3TRPViewer: A WPF program to allow you view the trophy data inside of a .TRP file (and extract it)
BL2SkillRandomizer: A Skill Randomizer Text File for Borderlands 2
OBSBrowserSourceLayout: Honestly this was just some dumb weekend project that I wanted to see if I could do, don't use this lol
ImporterFormatterSharp: A quick VS plugin to format all imports in C#.
BL2Gear: A website that shows your current gear for Borderlands 2
WillowTree-fork: This is a fork of WillowTree, https://sourceforge.net/projects/willowtree/
BorderlandsReadOnlyDetector: A tool for Borderlands 2 (and TPS, untested) to notify the user of their read-only state if the save is probably unintended to be in read-only.